Measurements in inches
Please include this week's food and training plan. If you don't have a plan, simply write down what kind of exercise you did, even if it's just a walk.
Are you hoping to lose weight, tone, gain some weight, improve your strength, build muscle?
Do you have any medical conditions we should be aware of (hypothyroid, blood pressure, food allergies, medication)?
Do you have any addictions, disorders, moodiness or depression?
Do you have a history of trying to change your lifestyle and giving up?
Do you have the support of your friends and family?
What do you do for a living? How many hours a week do you work?
How would you rate your job satisfaction and stress levels?
Are you able to control your nutrition at work? Do you bring your own meals to work?
Rate your understanding of basic nutrition. In a few words, please tell me- What is a carbohydrate, fat, and protein? Can you give examples of each? Do you measure your food or eyeball measurements with your hands?
Do you have any food preferences or dietary restrictions, and if so, what are they? (vegan, celiac, etc...)
Do you eat breakfast regularly? How soon after waking up do you eat breakfast?
Does eating make you anxious, happy, energized, feeling 'fat', etc... Do you eat out a lot?
Roughly if not exact
Do you know how much daily protein, carbs and fat you are eating?
How do you feel about carbohydrates and how do you feel they affect your body?
Do you drink protein shakes a lot and do you take any supplements (BCAAs, melatonin, C, D, B12, Omegas, etc...) Are you concerned about any nutrient deficiencies?
Have you had blood work done recently, and if so, what were the results?
Are you interested in trying new recipes in the kitchen, trying new produce and grains?
Are you willing to learn about nutrition as part of your transformation?
Are there any foods you tend to overdo it with? Are there any foods you have difficulty eating?
Do you tend to eat more or less when you are under pressure and/or stress?
How much water do you drink daily?
How many unassisted pull ups, chin-ups, and pushups can you do in a row?
Have you ever done squats, deadlifts, and/or bench with a barbell before? If yes, what's the max weight for each?
Please describe your current cardio routine. How often weekly, and what do you prefer (running, HIIT, sprint work)? How often do you run for 20 minutes or more?
How many days per week can you work out at the gym? How long can you workout each day to fit it into your schedule? Which days do you prefer to take off from the gym?
What else should I know? Don't hold back.